Labiaplasty is a novel procedure with the rising popularity 

labiaplasty cosmetic surgery montreal dr chen lee

Labiaplasty – Nymphoplasty

Labia reduction, inner lip reduction, labia minora reduction, nymphoplasty, or vaginal rejuvenation. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that focuses on reshaping and correcting the labia that women feel uncomfortable with. It is a straightforward procedure that should require a 2-4 week healing duration.

In addition to reducing the size of the labia for aesthetic reasons, a labiaplasty may also be done to repair the labia after injury, childbirth, or illness. A hoodectomy which is used to expose the clitoris can also be performed during the labiaplasty procedure.

The labiaplasty procedure

Labiaplasty can now be performed as an ambulatory day surgery procedure under local anesthesia. The surgery can be completed from start to finish usually in under 90 minutes.

Labiaplasty is done while the patient is under local anesthesia, so the patient will feel completely comfortable and at ease during the entirety of the procedure. Post-surgery, patients may experience some swelling and mild discomfort, however, these are both typically gone after two weeks. Soon after surgery, you should be able to perform many of your routine daily duties. However, full recovery requires up to 4 weeks.

Many women around the world feel that the shape and size of their labia impact the way that they lead a normal life. Large labia may cause functional symptoms such as pain when labia rub against clothing during exercise or just general walking. Pain during sexual intercourse can also be very distressing. Following the initial healing discomfort of labiaplasty, some patients report that their sex lives have improved. Labiaplasty is fast becoming a popular choice for women looking for relief from these discomforts. Many women seek labiaplasty to simply improve the aesthetic appearance of this very intimate part of the body. The resulting enhanced post-labiaplasty appearance can give a major self-confidence boost and increase the quality of life.

Next Steps…

To learn more about a procedure or book a consultation

Dr. Chen Lee, Montreal Plastic Surgeon

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Monday – Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm
Labiaplasty procedure at Montreal Plastic Surgery

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