Body Lift
A body lift is tailored to contour the body of an individual following massive weight loss

Loose Skin After Weight Loss
In North America approximately 31% of the population is classified as morbidly obese (defined as >30 pounds over ideal body weight). Almost two-thirds of the North American population is considered overweight (defined as 10 to 30 pounds over ideal body weight). Numerous health problems can arise as a result of obesity, including diabetes and heart disease. There are a variety of ways to achieve weight loss, all starting with self-commitment to improve how we both look and feel. A properly balanced, healthy diet combined with regular exercise is the cornerstone of weight loss to achieve health and fitness. Surgery for weight loss, known as bariatric surgery, is increasing in popularity.
With bariatric surgery, massive weight loss and improved health are possible. However, many patients are troubled by the excess loose and sagging skin and fat that remains. The excess and redundant skin of the body, arms, and thighs are both unsightly and symptomatic. Fortunately, plastic surgery techniques have advanced to facilitate the safe reduction or removal of excess skin and fat after weight loss, allowing people to truly reach their goals of both feeling and looking better.
The “body lift” describes a series of procedures that are tailored to the individual’s needs after massive weight loss. Commonly the procedure is classified anatomically to the upper or lower body. Every individual’s distribution of skin and fat, and their particular desires, are unique. Different plastic surgical techniques are often deployed together to tailor a contouring procedure to satisfy the unique needs of the individual.
Body Lift
Lower Body Lift
The lower body lift removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and back, while also tightening the torso and lifting the buttocks and thighs. It is also known as a circumferential abdominoplasty or dermo-lipectomy. Liposuction is often performed as well. Not only can excess skin and fat be removed with this procedure, but the body can be contoured and “sculpted” to improve appearances dramatically. These surgeries often require an overnight stay in the hospital.
Upper Body Lift
The upper body lift can incorporate an arm lift (brachioplasty), breast lift (mastopexy), and removal of excess skin and fat from the side of the chest wall and back. Breast enlargement (breast augmentation with breast implants, or augmentation mastopexy) can also be performed should the individual desire. This combination of techniques can be performed as an ambulatory procedure.
Am I a good candidate to have a body lift?
You are a candidate only when your weight has reached a “plateau” and stabilized. Your nutrition and health must be optimal prior to surgery. A thorough consultation is necessary to tailor a body lift procedure particular to your needs. Dr. Chen Lee understands the challenges you have faced and will outline a safe treatment plan to achieve your objectives.
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