Body contouring tightens and lifts using a variety of plastic surgery techniques
Body contouring surgery uses a variety of cosmetic surgery techniques to tighten and lift the loose skin of the body to achieve a well-proportioned and pleasing figure. By eliminating excess skin and fat, your body will regain a firmer and more youthful appearance. Tummy tuck surgery, abdominoplasty, liposuction, thigh lift, arm lift, Brachioplasty, body lift, and mommy makeovers are variations of the techniques employed in body contouring surgery. You are a candidate for body contouring surgery if you have loose excess skin and fat from pregnancy, aging, and weight loss.
Body contouring can be performed on many different anatomical regions of the body. This gives you the freedom to choose the site of treatment. The abdomen, arms, buttocks, lower body, and breasts are all anatomical regions where body contouring can sculpt, shape, lift, and tighten tissues to dramatically improve your body’s shape and contour.
General anesthesia is usually required to perform body contouring. The procedure takes two to six hours to perform and varies depending upon the degree of contouring required, the extent of fat deposit, and or combination of procedures performed. The hospital stay and recovery time also varies, depending on the extent of the procedure and other risk factors. As with all surgical procedures, body contouring surgery has risks. Your risk of complications following body contouring surgery is elevated if you smoke cigarettes, have an elevated body mass index, or have a medical condition (i.e. diabetes, hypertension, asthma).